5 Short Story Summary, Short Fairy Tale Examples, Cinderella Flower Fairy Tale 2024

We have compiled 5 Short Story Summaries for you, we are waiting for your comments.

False Shepherd

There was a shepherd. This shepherd always lied. One day he was grazing goats and goats and he lied again.

-Come on, there’s a wolf. He said.

He came with a stick in his hand. But there was no wolf or dog. The lambs were eating grass well. The shepherd laughed. He said it was a joke. Everyone went away complaining to the shepherd. One day the shepherd played the same joke again. Again the one with the stick ran. There was no wolf, again they complained and went away. One day the wolf really came.


-Come on, there’s a wolf. He said.

But this time no one cared about the shepherd. The wolf ate both the shepherd and his flock.

Cats And Mice

The two-story villa had a kind-hearted but sleepy cat. When the man who owned the villa and his wife went to their office early in the morning, the cat slept all day.

One day a mother mouse and her four babies came here. They set up their nest in the corner of the living room and started stealing food from the kitchen.

As the days passed, the mice liked this place very much, but they could not warm up to the cat. They finally drove the cat away, who was kind to them and showed them where the food was.

The villa owner realized that the cat was gone, so he bought a cat named Monster. Monster wouldn’t let the mice go into the kitchen, let alone take their noses out of the nest.

Starving with her kittens, the mother mouse took the opportunity to escape from the villa and found the kind-hearted but sleepy cat in a hut in the forest. She told her about the situation and begged for forgiveness, but the cat never came back.

Then the mother mouse took her kittens and left the villa in tears. She always told her kittens how much she loved the kind-hearted but sleepy cat.

The Fox and the Cat

The fox and the cat were chatting. The fox kept saying that he was tricky and cunning. He says that his enemies cannot defeat him. Because he knows a lot of tricks and tricks to get rid of them. The cat was a little embarrassed and said, “I don’t know many tricks.” He said. “I know only one way to get away from my enemies. That is to run away.

Fox: “Brother cat.” He said. “I can take care of myself in the face of any danger. But I feel sorry for you. I’m afraid one day it will overpower you.” Soon they heard the cries of a herd of Hounds.

These dogs belonging to a community of hunters were running towards them at full speed. The cat jumped into the branches of the tree next to it and hid in a cluster of leaves above.

The fox began to wonder whether he should do this trick or that trick. Because he knew so many tricks that he couldn’t decide which one was the right one to use.

He was about to apply one of them when the hounds surrounded him and finished him off.

Watching the whole thing from above, the cat was thankful that he didn’t know too many tricks.

Fisherman Playing the Pipe

There was a fisherman who played the pipes well.

One day he took his pipe and his net, went out to sea, climbed on top of a rock and started to play his pipe there. “The fish will hear it now, they will like this sound and come out of the sea one by one and come to me!” he was saying.

He stole and stole and stole, but no one came or went!

When he realized it was not going to be possible, he put the pipe aside, put the spreader in the water and caught many fish.

He took them out of the net and laid them on the sand; when he saw them hopping and jumping, he said: “You dirty animals! You weren’t playing when I was playing the pipe, but now that I stopped, you started jumping!”

Trader’s Chest

Once upon a time, there was a cloth merchant in a country. This merchant also had a foolish son. One morning when the merchant opened his shop, he found that his money chest full of gold and silver had been stolen.  

Nervous and flustered, he told his neighbors what had happened. After a while, the neighbors of the shop started to come one by one to get well.  

At that moment, the merchant’s foolish son showed up. Curious about the crowd in the shop, he asked. When his father told him what had happened, the boy burst out laughing.

His father thought, “I guess my son hid the chest aside,” and a coolness came over him. 

“What’s wrong, son, why are you laughing like that?” the boy said, “The thieves stole the money chest, but they can’t open it because I have the key.”

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Ece Efnaz

Merhaba! Ben Ece! 1995 doğumlu, İstanbul'un masalsı sokaklarında büyüdüm. Masallarla dolu bir dünyada yaşamayı seviyorum ve kendi masallarımı yazmayı çok seviyorum. Siz de benimle birlikte sihirli dünyalara yolculuk etmek istemez misiniz?

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