Lazy Keloğlan

Welcome to the tale of lazy Keloğlan. Once upon a time. In a country, there lived a grandmother and her grandson Keloğlan in a small hut. They were very poor. The grandmother, in her old age, knitted day and night, and took what she made to the market and sold it. Her grandson Keloğlan, on the other hand, was lazy, never did any work, and lounged around the house all day.
The grandmother, who had been working and earning money in her old age, lost her patience. “Look Keloğlan, you are a big man, you don’t do anything. Your old grandmother is working and earning money. Aren’t you ashamed of this situation? That’s enough now. Get up, go out and find a job. Don’t come to this house until you find a job.”
In the face of his grandmother’s anger, Keloğlan immediately got up and started looking for a job outside. He went in and out of all the shops he came across. Finally, he found himself a one-day job in a small market. He worked until the evening and when he was done, the owner of the market gave Keloğlan his money.
Keloğlan was on his way home with the happiness of the money he earned. He was walking and singing while throwing the coins in his hand and holding them in the air. While he was walking with such joy for a while, he could not hold the coins he threw in the air and the coins scattered on the ground. In the darkness of the evening, he searched and searched for the scattered coins, but he could not find them.
It was quite late. He desperately returned home empty-handed. His grandmother, who was waiting for him at the door, said, “Where have you been, my son? I was so worried about you. Keloğlan told his grandmother one by one what had happened. The grandmother, who was both saddened and angry at what Keloğlan told her, said, “Oh my son, how can you play games with money? Why don’t you put your money in your pocket and come,” she said. “You’re right, Granny, I didn’t know it would be like this. From now on, I’ll put the money I earn in my pocket.”
The next day Keloğlan was on the road again looking for work. A man selling fruits and vegetables in the market gave Keloğlan a day’s work. Keloğlan worked until the evening, when the work was done, he took his money and started to go home with joy. He remembered his grandmother’s words and put the money in his pocket. However, not knowing that his pocket had a hole, Keloğlan’s money fell on the road.
Keloğlan searched for his money on the roads in the dark of the evening, but he could not find it. Returning home empty-handed again, Keloğlan told his grandmother about the situation. “Oh my irresponsible grandson! Doesn’t a person know whether his pocket is empty or not? What will become of you? Be careful from now on. Whatever they give you, carry it on your head, not in your hand.”
There was a sultan in the country where Keloğlan lived. This sultan had a beautiful daughter. However, this girl would not talk to anyone and never smiled. Although the sultan brought everyone who was funny in the country to his palace, none of them could make this girl laugh. The sultan, who was very upset about this situation, said, “Whoever manages to make my daughter laugh, I will marry her to my daughter.”
Our Keloğlan was on the road again looking for a job. He found a job in a big animal farm. He worked until the evening and when the work was done, the owner gave Keloğlan an old donkey instead of money. Keloğlan took the old donkey and left the farm. At that moment, he remembered his grandmother’s advice to carry whatever you give on your head, not in your hands. He took the donkey on his back and started walking. As he was walking, he was passing by the palace.
At that moment, the sultan’s daughter looked out of the window of her room and saw that instead of a man riding on his donkey, the donkey was riding on the man. She started laughing at this scene she saw. She laughed so much that her laughter echoed throughout the palace.
The sultan entered his daughter’s room with curiosity and was very happy to see her laughing so hard. He immediately instructed his men and said, “Find whoever made my daughter laugh so much and bring them to me.”
The sultan’s men found Keloğlan, who was trying to walk around the palace with his donkey on his back, and brought him before the Sultan. The Sultan told Keloğlan, who made his daughter laugh and happy, that he could marry her.
The sultan’s daughter and Keloğlan got married in a legendary wedding. Keloğlan, his mother, the sultan’s daughter and the sultan lived a life of happiness and abundance.