The Tale of the Naughty Cat

Welcome to the cat’s tale.

Tabby, the cat of the house, had two kittens. She named one Snow and one Meow. She made them eat and eat, drink and drink. Like every mother, she did her best to make them well-behaved and smart. Snow was really good and smart. But Meow was a mischievous one who made a mess.

One day, Murat, the youngest son of the house, got angry while playing with Meow. She scratched his hand. While running away, he knocked over a precious vase. Of course the vase was broken. When mother Tabby heard this, she was very angry. She sat Meow in front of her. She snapped at him in a harsh voice. “Won’t you ever settle down?”

Meow lowered her head. “I don’t know, Mommy.”

– “Why did you break the vase when you ran away?”

Meow cat giggled. “My tail got stuck, mommy! ”

Do you know what they do to a cat that sticks its tail everywhere?

“No, I don’t know. What do they do?”

“They cut off your tail. Do you want to be tailless for the rest of your life?”

Meow grimaced. So this was how humans punished naughty cats. “I don’t want to,” he said. “Then keep your tail,” said his mother. “The other day you touched your tail to the trap for the mice and almost got caught.”

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll be careful from now on. “

Mama Tabby bit Meow’s ear a little. “You always promise like this, but I never see you keep your word. You do what you said you wouldn’t do over and over again.” “Oh, my ear!” “Promise me you won’t misbehave again.” Meow promised her mother, but she continued to misbehave. Every little one is a little mischievous. His brother cotton was begging.

“Please, meow cat, listen to mom. Now be good, be smart. ”

Meow cat was mocking his brother. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

“Why should I be afraid? I’m just trying not to hurt people. A cat has something to learn. “

Like what?

“It’s like catching mice. My mom teaches me. But you’re not going to learn.”

Meow didn’t pay any attention to her cat brother, she was always doing her own thing. One day, as he was walking around the room, he smelled the delicious smell of fish. He climbed up on the chair and put his head on the dining table. He saw a plate. It was full of fried fish. He looked around and no one was there. He rose up on his hind legs, stretched out his paw and pulled the plate to him. But he pulled a little too fast, and the plate fell from the table to the floor, breaking with a loud crash.

While Meow cat was looking around in astonishment, the lady of the house appeared at the kitchen door. She had a huge rolling pin in her hand. She rushed towards Meow Cat. “Here you are, cheeky cat.” If Meow Cat hadn’t lowered her head just in time, the rolling pin would probably have landed on her head. “That was close,” he said to himself.

He ran out the door, and when the father of the house found out, he was very angry. “I’m sick of these kittens!” he shouted. “Tabby is fine, but her kittens are unbearable. She won’t let them out on the street.” Murat didn’t agree. “Daddy, only one of them is mischievous. The one with white fur.”

“Then I’ll take the one with white feathers. “

Mother Tabby was listening to the conversation. She crouched by the stove, pretending to sleep. But she heard every word. They were going to take Meow Cat away. How could a mother’s heart bear it? She had to do something to stop it. She got up from the stove. She went and sat Murat on her lap. He rubbed his head on her hands and made purring noises. Murat loved his mother Tabby very much. Whenever liver was bought at home, he would save it and give it to Tabby. He could immediately understand what Tabby meant by her actions.

“Daddy!” she said, “our conversation just now upset Tabby.

“What conversation.”

“I think she’s upset because you said we should throw meow cat out on the street.”

“Oh my son, does your Tabby speak Turkish.”

“Don’t say that, Daddy. Look how he’s dragging his feet. She’s trying to prevent her baby from being thrown out on the street, poor thing.”

His father looked over his glasses and smiled. “We won’t throw it away if you don’t want it, son, don’t worry.” When Tekir heard this answer, he meowed with joy. A little later, she got off Murat’s lap. She ran straight to her babies.

The cubs didn’t know anything. They were having fun among themselves. They were rolling a small rope they found and laughing with laughter. Mother Tabby stormed in. “Stop playing,” she roared. “Get in front of me, both of you.” Snow obeyed her mother without any objection. Meow cat pouted. “My brother and I were playing so well!” she said. “Is this the time to listen to the big man?”

“Was this the time to drop a plate from the table and break it?”

“Oh, mom, did you learn that too?”

Mother Tabby shook her head from side to side sadly. “You’re not behaving!” she said.

I barely averted a disaster today. They almost threw you out on the street. The meow cat suddenly came to life. “Me?” “You and who else?”

“And then they gave up?

“I begged Murat, I licked his hands, I rubbed against his knees, I told him I would be very sad. He understood, pleaded with his father. He talked him out of it for now.”

Her mother thought that Meow Cat would be happy and throw herself on her neck. But meow cat was a girl.

“Why did you prevent it? Let them throw it out on the street. That would be good. I’m sick of this house. “

Both his mother and brother were surprised and asked, “Why are you fed up, are you hungry?” “No, don’t they make you play in the garden, don’t you come and go as you please?” Meow cat interrupted her mother, “I’m bored, I want to run and play in the park. The garden is surrounded by walls. I tried to go over it, but I couldn’t. If I could, I would never go back.” Mother Tabby was very upset by these words. “So that’s how it is.”

“Yes, mom, I love you. But I love the street too. It’s like we’re in jail here. Let’s go together.”

The mother tabby wiped her tears. “I am the cat of this house. I am already old. It is not easy for a cat to find bread outside.

“I’ll find it.”

The discussion stopped there. A few days later, Meow Cat found the refrigerator open. Without realizing what he was doing, he dived in. Then the door closed. No one heard him shouting and calling.

After a while, Murat’s mother opened the refrigerator. She saw the meow cat half frozen.

“You’re too much!” he yelled. He grabbed him and threw him out into the street. A week passed. The mother tabby and her son were missing the cotton meow cat. When they found him one evening, they forgot everything and hugged his neck. Meow cat’s chubby form was gone. He was almost skin and bones. Mother Tabby asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

The meow cat was crying her eyes out.

“Forgive me!” said Mommy. “I should have listened to you. You were right, there’s no bread for us on the streets.”

Meow cat became a smart and well-behaved cat from that day on. He never disobeyed his mother.

Ece Efnaz

Merhaba! Ben Ece! 1995 doğumlu, İstanbul'un masalsı sokaklarında büyüdüm. Masallarla dolu bir dünyada yaşamayı seviyorum ve kendi masallarımı yazmayı çok seviyorum. Siz de benimle birlikte sihirli dünyalara yolculuk etmek istemez misiniz?

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