The Tale of the Cunning Wolf

Once upon a time, once upon a time. Once upon a time, once upon a time, when camels were telling tales, when fleas were telling tales, when I was rocking in my mother’s cradle, the catastrophe was talking. There was a great, great, lofty mountain. But it was neither a mountain nor a vineyard; those who saw it were surprised. “Should I call it a mountain or a vineyard?” they would say. So much so that even those who looked straight would see the vineyards on the mountain and say, “This is a vineyard!”

It was on these lofty peaks that a wolf appeared. Such a wolf, resembling a beast, with a big body, thick neck, eyes glowing in the dark, haunted the animals of the villagers. It would come down to the village at night and eat whatever it could find, goats, horses and donkeys.

The people in the village noticed that every day another animal was missing. In the village, even the threshers were not held to account, but when the wolf took it too far, the villagers could not stand it. “This can’t go on like this,” they said, grabbed their guns and headed for the mountain. They traveled far and wide, up and down, and finally reached the mountain. They scoured the mountain from seven directions, but they could not find the wolf.

After watching the wolf for seven days and nights, they finally saw the wolf, but they could not shoot it. So, they gathered together in seven columns and set a trap. Finally, they caught the wolf and brought it to the village room.

The village room was the place where the customs of the village were practiced. The law there was a beating. But when the cunning wolf realized he was going to be beaten, he was frightened and immediately began to speak in his own defense. The villagers asked him:

“Why are you eating our animals? Isn’t it a pity for the poor?”

The wolf was silent at first, then answered calmly:

“I am a wolf. If your food is bread, mine is meat. If you bring me a kilo of meat every day, I will not touch the animals of your village.”

The villagers were desperate and agreed. They left the wolf on the mountain, built a nest for it and took turns bringing it meat. Days and weeks passed. But after a while, there were no animals left in the village to provide meat.

The villagers realized that there was no end to this, so they decided not to bring meat to the wolf anymore. The wolf waited in its den for a day, two days. No one came or went. His eyes darkened from hunger and his ears fell to the ground. Finally, he could not stand it any longer and came down from the mountain. On the plain, he saw a donkey grazing with its colt. He was so hungry that he ate the donkey and its colt.

In the evening, when the donkey did not return home with its colt, the owner noticed. When he saw that the donkey was missing, he went to the village room and the villagers gathered. They caught the wolf again and brought it to the village room.

The villagers asked the wolf: “Why did you eat the donkey and its colt?”

The wolf raised his head and replied: “If you don’t bring me meat, of course I will eat it.”

The wolf raised his head and replied: “If you don’t bring me meat, of course I will eat it.”

The wolf raised his head and replied: “If you don’t bring me meat, of course I will eat it.”

The people in the room were frightened when they heard these words, but no one could say anything. One by one, everyone went out quietly, without even looking at the wolf sideways. The wolf, on the other hand, laughed. In fact, he too was afraid of what he had done, but he could not swallow his pride and ran out of the village room. No one knew where he went.


2011 yılından bügüne dijital dünya'da projeler üretiyor, bir çok markaya yazılım desteği sağlıyorum. İçerik üretmek ve kendini farklı alanlarda da geliştirmek adına masal kedisi üzerinde içerikler üreterek desteklerinizi bekliyorum.

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