The Hungry Caterpillar Story

Once upon a time, once upon a time…

On a huge green leaf, a tiny egg began to shine in the warm rays of the sun. Then, one morning, that tiny egg cracked open and out came a tiny caterpillar. But this caterpillar… it was so hungry!

“I’m hungry!” grumbled the little caterpillar. He was starving, but what could he do? He immediately started looking for something to eat.

On Monday, the caterpillar found an apple and took a big bite. But what’s that? It’s still hungry!

On Tuesday he found two pears. Snap, snap! He ate them too. But he was still not full.

On Wednesday he found three plums. Snap, snap, snap! But no, this little caterpillar is still hungry!

On Thursday he found four strawberries. The crunching has increased! Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap! But he’s still hungry!

On Friday, the caterpillar found five oranges. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click! Then he realized that his stomach was still rumbling.

But the real adventure began on Saturday! The caterpillar started eating whatever it could find:

  • One piece of chocolate cake,
  • An ice cream cone,
  • One pickled cucumber,
  • A slice of cheese,
  • A sausage,
  • A lollipop,
  • A cherry pie,
  • A hot dog,
  • A slice of watermelon…

And that’s when the little caterpillar’s belly felt like it was going to burst! “Oh… I must have eaten a bit too much this time,” said the caterpillar. His belly was so swollen that it started to ache.

It was Sunday. The caterpillar ate only a fresh green leaf. And that’s when his tummy relaxed. “Ohhh, that’s it! Just what I need,” said the caterpillar.

But the caterpillar ate so much that it was no longer a little caterpillar. It was a big, fat caterpillar!

Then one day the caterpillar made itself a nice cocoon and crawled inside. It slept there for two weeks.

And finally, out of that cocoon… The tiny caterpillar emerged as a butterfly! It was no longer hungry because it could fly and lived happily, soaring in the sky with its colorful wings!


2011 yılından bügüne dijital dünya'da projeler üretiyor, bir çok markaya yazılım desteği sağlıyorum. İçerik üretmek ve kendini farklı alanlarda da geliştirmek adına masal kedisi üzerinde içerikler üreterek desteklerinizi bekliyorum.

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