
  • Adventure Storiestavsan masali

    A Tale of Three Baby Rabbits

    Many years ago, deep in the forest, a rabbit and her three babies lived together in unity. Every day the mother rabbit would go out and pick carrots. Then these carrots were divided equally among the siblings. One day the mother rabbit went away from home to gather food. The older and middle brother and sister followed their mother outside…

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  • Grimm Fairy Talesrapunzel masali oku

    The Tale of Rapunzel – Read Grimm Fairy Tales

    Once upon a time, when fleas were barbers, and camels were tellers, When I was rocking my grandmother’s cradle, There was a house in a faraway land. A couple lived there. They dreamed of having a child. Then one day the woman became pregnant and craved the fruit from the garden next door. So her husband picked some fruit from…

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