Horror Stories

Horror Stories: The Most Popular Tales of All Time. Dreamy stories, adventures, dragons, princes, princesses and much more!

  • tarla faresi ile sehir faresi

    Field Mouse and City Mouse 2024 Tale and Summary

    Welcome to the story of the Field Mouse and the City Mouse. Once upon a time. In ancient times, in a small village, there was a field where all kinds of vegetables grew. A little mouse lived in this field. He built a small house in one corner of the field. It was fed with the vegetables grown in the…

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  • robot masali

    Cute Robot Tale

    Welcome to our cute robot fairy tale. Once upon a time, once upon a time. Once upon a time, in a far, far away land, there lived a curious little robot called Roby. Roby was not like other robots; he was small, round and had a heart full of curiosity. His favorite thing to do was to explore the nooks…

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  • hayvan masallari

    The Tale of the Bear and the Fox

    Read our collection of beautiful fairy tales with Animal Tales. Meet the Bear and the Fox! Once upon a time. Once upon a time a fox and a bear became friends. One day they went out to the meadow together and started walking around. While the two friends were wandering, they met a lion. The fox was terrified of the…

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