Hayvan Masalları

  • tarla faresi ile sehir faresi

    Field Mouse and City Mouse 2024 Tale and Summary

    Welcome to the story of the Field Mouse and the City Mouse. Once upon a time. In ancient times, in a small village, there was a field where all kinds of vegetables grew. A little mouse lived in this field. He built a small house in one corner of the field. It was fed with the vegetables grown in the…

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  • robot masali

    Cute Robot Tale

    Welcome to our cute robot fairy tale. Once upon a time, once upon a time. Once upon a time, in a far, far away land, there lived a curious little robot called Roby. Roby was not like other robots; he was small, round and had a heart full of curiosity. His favorite thing to do was to explore the nooks…

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  • hayvan masallari

    The Tale of the Bear and the Fox

    Read our collection of beautiful fairy tales with Animal Tales. Meet the Bear and the Fox! Once upon a time. Once upon a time a fox and a bear became friends. One day they went out to the meadow together and started walking around. While the two friends were wandering, they met a lion. The fox was terrified of the…

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  • tavsan masali

    A Tale of Three Baby Rabbits

    Many years ago, deep in the forest, a rabbit and her three babies lived together in unity. Every day the mother rabbit would go out and pick carrots. Then these carrots were divided equally among the siblings. One day the mother rabbit went away from home to gather food. The older and middle brother and sister followed their mother outside…

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